Unlock the wisdom of your soul and step into your highest potential.

What are the

The Akashic Records, also known as “The Book of Life,” are an energetic library that holds the history of your soul—
past, present, and future.

Through sacred ceremony and prayer,
I open the gateway to your records, offering clarity, healing, and divine guidance from angels, guides, and Source.

In a session, we’ll release blockages, reveal your true potential, and reconnect you to your soul’s purpose.

Come with an open heart and questions about any aspect of your life—whether relationships, career, or health—
and receive profound insights that guide you toward your highest path.


One Hour

  • Soul Insights:
    Discover the truths of your unique journey.

  • Healing Energy:
    Release blockages and nurture wholeness.

  • Divine Guidance:
    Connect with ancestors and guides for clarity.

  • Empowerment:
    Gain insights for aligned, authentic choices.

  • Transcendent Experience:
    Elevate your consciousness and renew your purpose.



  • Jyotish examines the positions of the planets, moon, and ascendant (rising sign) at your birth. This precise chart reveals insights into your life's journey, strengths, challenges, and potential patterns, helping you uncover your soul's path and providing guidance for overcoming obstacles and achieving your highest potential.

  • A Jyotish chart includes:

    • Lagna (Ascendant): The sign rising on the eastern horizon at birth.

    • Planetary Positions: The location of planets in different signs and houses.

    • Moon Sign: The sign where the moon was located at the time of birth.

    • Star Clusters (Nakshatras): Specific regions of the sky that influence your chart.

    • Dasha Periods: Timelines indicating the influence of various planets over specific periods of your life.

    • Zodiac Systems:

      • Jyotish: Uses the sidereal zodiac, which aligns with the actual positions of constellations in the sky. It considers the precession of the equinoxes, making it a fixed system.

      • Western Astrology: Uses the tropical zodiac, based on the seasons and equinoxes, not the actual positions of constellations.

    • Chart Structure:

      • Jyotish: Focuses on the Vedic chart, which includes signs, houses, and planetary aspects, as well as Nakshatras (lunar mansions/star clusters).

      • Western Astrology: Primarily uses the tropical zodiac with signs and houses but does not include Nakshatras.

    • Approach and Techniques:

      • Jyotish: Emphasizes the Dasha system (planetary periods) and includes techniques to dive deeper into life events and cycles.

      • Western Astrology: Focuses on aspects and transits between planets to forecast events and trends.

    • Cultural Context:

      • Jyotish: Rooted in the Vedic tradition with a focus on spiritual growth, a soul's highest qualities, and Dharma (life purpose).

      • Western Astrology: Often emphasizes psychological insights, personality traits, and individual life experiences.

  • Jyotish offers valuable insights into your personal strengths, challenges, and life path. It helps in understanding your unique cosmic blueprint, overcoming repetitive patterns, and making informed decisions. By aligning with the wisdom revealed through Jyotish, you can navigate life's challenges with greater clarity, embrace your highest potential, and achieve deeper personal and spiritual fulfillment.